CI/CD for Android using Azure pipelines and fastline

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SSA Group is organising an online webinar “CI/CD for Android using Azure Pipelines and Fastlane”.

SSA Group invites the Android developers to join our ninth webinar “CI/CD for Android using Azure Pipelines and Fastlane”.

The webinar will be useful for Middle+ developers who are aware of CI/CD principles. We will examine Azure Pipelines and Fastlane tools and use them for deployment to Firebase App Distribution and Play Store internal testing.

John Doe

John Doe

Senior DevOps

  • CI/CD value. Why does your project need CI/CD?
  • Azure Pipelines. What is it and how does it work?
  • Fastlane. Why should you use Fastlane in your CI/CD process?
  • Fastlane + Azure Pipelines. How to set it all up in your Azure project and deploy builds to Firebase App Distribution and Play Store internal testing?

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Video version (In Russian)

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